Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Yes. I. Can.

To all the faithful members of the Dalek Nation, I owe you an apology. I really phoned it in last week amidst a flurry of activity of work, the holiday weekend and the DNC. You deserve better than a two-day Atom/Adam Ant gag and I aim to regain your support this week w/ a glut of the usless junk you've grown to expect from AMBFAD.

On the DNC tip, I was genuinely invigorated by both acceptance speeches from the Democratic VP and Presidential nominees. I've always liked Joe Biden and think he augments the Obama ticket perfectly. Thinking ahead, I feel completely comfortable w/ both in the White House...scratch that, I feel excited about the prospect of both in the White House.

Conversely, i'm a bit taken aback about McCain's choice for his running mate. The choice of Sarah Palin seems to be fairly subjected to claims of tokenism in an effort to reach out to disenfranchised Hillary supporters. Time will tell if this is a shrewd or batshit crazy move...the 'experience' issue the Republican party had w/ Obama is effectively taken off the table and the courting of the Hillary contingent may be a bit hampered by her staunch PRO-LIFE stance. That said...

...is it wrong that I find her kind of hot in a Naughty Librarian - Schoolteacher/Lisa Loeb/Tina Fey sort of way? Eh, all I DO know is that, if the recent hubub over her teenage daughter's babymama-dom is any indicator, this is going to be one crazy effing election.

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