Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Motherf**kers Be Trippin'

'I don't care what they say about me. But I love this country too much to let them take over another election with lies and phony outrage and Swift-boat politics. Enough is enough.'

He loves this country (and looks to enjoy a good sundae as well).

'What their campaign has done this morning is the same game that has made people sick and tired of politics in this country. They seize on an innocent remark, try to take it out of context, throw up an outrageous ad because they know that it's catnip for the news media.'

You had me at 'I Don't Care What They Say About Me'. Keep the focus, B. The clusterfuck of this overall race is showing me more and more why we need you in office. I'm still all about the 'audacity of HOPE', but shit like this 'pig in lipstick' thing is making it reallllll hard.

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