Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Speaking of Tim Sale/Heroes...

'Heroes' season premiere is next Monday, 22-September! As mentioned before, Tim Sale has done some cool artwork that played a major role on the show. Me, being the merchandise whore that I am, thought i'd showcase some of the ginchy 'Heroes'/Tim stuff for all the fanboys and fangirls to drool over availble at the store. I know some of this is going on MY X-mas list...

9th Wonders/Hiro T-Shirts

9th Wonders/Hiro Tumbler

9th Wonders Lunchbox

Heroes Postage Stamps

Heroes Collectors Pins (1 of 3 Sets)

...and while not a Tim Sale-related item, this 50 Year Pocket Calendar, as featured on the set of Heroes, references the years 2006 thru 2055. So, should you ever develop the ability to bend space and time ala Hiro, you'll have something handy to know where/when you're at.

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