The Colonel's handwritten recipe of 11 herbs and spices is going to be removed today from safekeeping at KFC's corporate offices for the first time in decades, so they can further fortify it's security.
Seems KFC has hired off-duty police officers and private security guards to whisk the document away to an undisclosed location in an armored car. The recipe will be slid into a briefcase and handcuffed to security expert Bo Dietl for the ride.
Do you hear that Osama?! Kim Jong?! Red Skull?! No matter what day of the week, you fuck with our chicken...our National Treasure...and we will bring down an extra-crispy bucket of shock and awe on your ass, son!
He may be dead, but he's a Colonel for crying out loud...he has both the military and 'executive' experience to keep this country and it's chicken safe. USA...KFC...USA...KFC!
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