Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Further Political Rambling and American Whatnot

I was going to post that beauty queen shot of Sarah Palin side by side w/ a head shot of Marcy D'Arcy from TV's 'Married w/ Children' (seriously, the 1984 version of Republican nominee for VPILF could be her slightly hotter sister)...but then I decided to refrain.

You may be asking yourself 'why', as it obviously isn't my concern over coming off sexist...that ship sailed a long time ago. Nope. It's because mudslinging like that detracts from the REAL issues facing us...the hardworking Johnny and Sally Lunchpail who sit around this rhetorical kitchen table Joe Biden keeps referring to each night.

So, in an effort to further constructive debate over who should be leading our country, let's get back to the important issues like...

Like Diddy said back in 2004...'VOTE OR DIE'! Well, at least 'VOTE OR FEEL KIND OF BAD ABOUT IT'! The fate of hardworking Americans, like Big Boy, is in your hands.

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