Thursday, September 25, 2008

'Look! There Goes Our Convention Bump!'

John McCain stated yesterday he would 'suspend' campaign events, advertising and fundraising to return to Capitol Hill to work on the financial crisis until an agreement on legislation was reached.

Even better, he called for Friday's debate to be postponed — and for Obama to curtail campaign activities as well. To which the response was something along the lines of go fuck yourself, should either of us become President we'll have to be able to 'deal with more than one thing at once.'

Even better than that, the McCain camp has floated the possibility that, regardless of the fact that she can't participate in the high-level federal government deliberations on the economy that McCain gave as his reason for suspending his campaign...wait for it...wait for it...Sarah Palin may also suspend her campaign.

My second favorite response to this transparent move, rooted either in campaign grandstanding or a smokescreen for lagging poll numbers came from Rep. Barney Frank, chairman of the Financial Services Committee, during a break in Wednesday's critical hearing on the bailout: 'It's the longest 'Hail Mary' in the history of either football or Marys.'

My FIRST favorite response? That's easy...

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