Friday, September 26, 2008


Here we go. McCain finally agreed to attend the first presidential debate tonight even though Congress doesn't have a bailout deal locked up. I thought it was funny yesterday, every time I heard them say on the radio that they weren't sure the debate would go on if he didn't show. How the hell do you have a debate w/ one Dude?!

An Associated Press poll released just before McCain's announcement showed the public overwhelmingly wanted the candidates to debate, 60% to 22%, with the rest undecided (AKA watching Ultimate Fighting on Spike). Should be interesting...hopefully, further opportunity for my man B to close the gap.

After seeing the recent media performances of both Palin and Biden this week, the VP debate should be a real hoot. Fundamental difference being that while Joe may shoot his mouth off, he actually knows his shit. 'The Barracuda'...comes off like a dead fish.

After the debate tonight, there are two more presidential on 7-Oct and 15-Oct...the Veeps bring it next Thursday, 2-Oct. Tune in and get informed.

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