Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Like a Video Lost Ark of the Covenant...

I recently received a link to a site from a fellow NCHS alumnus who, in College, we affectionately referred to as (nobody fucks with the) Jesus (AKA Chris). Not just any website, but one that put me back in time quicker than you could say: 'Mr. Peabody'!

As you could probably hypothesize, I watched A LOT of TV as a youngster. I was that kid whose Mom had to forcibly eject him from in front of the tube to go outside and play. Growing up in Central Illinois, my lifeline to the big city of Chicago (and the TV of any merit that it harbored) came in the form of the superstation of WGN-9 and the odd inclusion of WFLD-32 in our basic cable package.

Frazier Thomas, Garfield Goose, Bozo's Circus, Ray Rayner, Family Classics, The Sunday Matinee, Son of Svenghoulie, Super Cartoon Sunrise, The Monstrous Movie, The Stooges/Rascals Hour, The Empire Carpet Guy...the list goes on and on. Along w/ the introduction of another superstation in TBS, all were total staples of my youth clear up until High School.

Not only were there the actual shows, but there were the regular weekend screenings of the Charlie Chan, Sherlock Holmes, Abbott & Costello, Ma & Pa Kettle that people still wouldn't care about even if they were PC enough to air. Then, mix classic re-runs from TV's golden age in stuff like Andy Griffith, Family Affair, Green Acres and Please Don't Eat the Daisies with animated fare like Tom & Jerry, The Flintstones, Speed Racer, Bugs Bunny and Woody Woodpecker (giving way to The Transformers, He-Man and GI JOE as I got older).

See why i'm so screwed up?! That's a lot of video baggage to carry around in your head, even to this day. Anyhow, the website in question that brought memories of ALL these glorious moments in TV rushing back into my head: FuzzyMemories.tv. I watched a lot of the clips from their archive on their YouTube channel, but had never actually visited the site until this morning.

If you grew up in or even around Chicago...HIGHLY recommend checking it out. Seriously, more fun than hitting the final bucket in the GRAND...PRIZE...GAME! Thanks again, Jesus.


Anonymous said...

Errrr, um....NFTWTJesus here, and I'm touched to get mention in this fine blog I've started frequenting and am even more jazzed to be (what...) maybe the first comment you've ever had? Even if this blog is for just you and I, it's better than watching Olympian sand volleyball right now.

Anyway, make sure on Fuzzy site you also check out everything from WSNS Channel 44 (I guarantee you didn't just watch 32 and 9 when you were a kid and saw LOADS of programming from this channel as well when you were a kid (this was the channel that gave us the Marvel Super Heroes, Spider-Man, Johnny Soko, Space Giants, Spectreman, etc.). In fact, I want a Spectreman box set RIGHT NOW! Be well my friend.

EL FAMOUS said...

Johnny Soko, Space Giants and Spectreman...AKA 'The Holy Trinity'. I had it in my head those were on 32, but you're right. Let me light up my beta capsule and check it out as well.

Not too many comments, but I am noticing i'm getting close to 50-60 hits a week...would love to hear from more folks!

Keith said...

I didn't have cable until I was pretty much an adult. I only saw cable when I visited my grandmother or my aunt. I got a chance to see some of WGN then. Even though I only had the three networks and PBS, I still found plenty of awesome shows to watch back when I was growing up.