Wednesday, August 20, 2008

AMBFAD (Comic) Book Club...Sort Of.

'Wonder Women of America'

I have a thing for cute chicks dressing up in capes, masks, boots, chains, spandex and/or leather. Now, 'i'm not talking chips, dips, chains, whips...candlewax on the nipples, or witchcraft or anything like that, no, no, no. Just a couple of hundred kids running around in their underwear.' You a COMIC BOOK CONVENTION.

I had always seen pictures, but until I actually attended my first 'con' earlier in the Summer...I never really understood just how fanatical some folks can be about their favorite comics and/or movies. As I stated in my recap of my trip to Wizard World, I saw huge armadas of dudes in full Stormtrooper outfits...girls done up as everything from Power Girl to Spiderwoman (unfortunately, no Red Sonjas)...entire families (including infants) dressed up as the Justice League. It was pretty freaking wild, most definitely geekery of the highest degree.

Don't get me wrong, lest you forget i'm a proud geek myself, I fully endorse people letting their Superman 'S' emblazoned freak flags fly...especially the ladies. The new book from Amos Publishing, 'Wonder Women of America' is a celebration of these proud women who bravely subject themselves to leering glances from dudes like me, just to rep their favorite comic/film/video game heroine.

Compiled over 4 days at the 2007 San Diego Comic-Con, 'Wonder Woman of America' contains 185 photos of more than 100 women - from all walks of life, in all ages, shapes and sizes - dressed to the hilt as their favorite fictional babes. The book also contains quotes from many of them, giving some insight into why they dress in costume.

Personally, I feel safer just knowing they're out there...available for purchase at STRANGEco.

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