Monday, August 18, 2008

'Heroes' Season 3. Choose A Side...

Holy. Balls. Last night, I was reading through the 'Madman Atomic Comics' TPB, while the wife was watching the Olympics and then...POW. I glanced up during a commercial break to see a :30 promo for the new season of NBC's 'Heroes'. To say i'm utterly geeked would be an understatement.

Why? Well, looks like this chapter of the 'Heroes' saga will feature a major focus on...VILLAINS. As i've stated before, be it a comic book/movie/TV show, a Superhero is only as cool as his Villains inspire him to be. So far, the most consistent foil in the 'Heroes' universe has been Sylar, but it looks like that is about to change.

A 2-Hour season premiere on 22-Sep will feel long overdue after the Writer's Strike cut Season 2 off at the knees, but it sounds like (per an NBC press release) in Episode 2 on 29-Sep things will get really good. Sylar declares war on 'The Company' by attacking their main facility and finds even more than he bargained for on the mysterious 'Level 5'. During a devastating battle with Elle, a dozen savage criminals - all with terrible abilities - escape.

Oh man, that sounds like an excellent set-up for an all out Good vs. Evil-style Battle Royale some point down the line. In the midst of all that, looks like Hiro will get himself a Flash-like nemesis in Daphne and Suresh becomes more than just a scientist studying these 'super' becoming one himself. DAMN!

Look, i've said it before, you do not have to be a Sci-Fi/Comic Book geek to enjoy the hell out of this show (but it helps). You have a little over a month to peep Season 1 and 2 on DVD to get yourself up to speed and from the looks of the preview below, you'll be glad you did. 'Choose A Side', true believers...

1 comment:

Keith said...

I can't wait! I'm so excited. I've really missed this show since it went off early due to the strike.