Friday, August 17, 2007

Worst. Post. Ever.

Hey there, true believers. Slammed at work this morning and have to leave early to watch the kids. Don't know if i'll get around to posting up w/ anything too meaningful. I will note that I paid a serious visit to a comic book store for the first time in a mazillion years over lunch yesterday. Bad day at work and a escapism-filled field trip seemed in order.

Considering I haven't read a comic book outside of reading a few of the DC graphic novels (Dark Knight, Kingdom Come, etc.) during some shopping excursions at the now defunct Tower Records...the whole thing was kind of daunting. I mean, a lot of the faces were familiar...Supes, Batman, The Joker, Spidey, The Hulk, Dr. Doom, etc...but between all the spin-off series and new indie comics, I had no clue what i'd even THINK about picking up.

Later, I tapped into the EL-F rogue's gallery of film buffs, music nerds and general pop culture enthusiasts and got some solid recommendations. Granted, this whole thing is a lot like an alcoholic 'just looking around' at Binny's Beverage Depot or a sex addict 'just checking things out' at the Bunny Ranch...I already waste enough money on things Mrs. Famous finds useless, so i'll have to pace myself.

For the record, i'm thinking about going back to pick up the hardback collection of the DC 'Justice' mini-series and, later, checking out DC's 'Red Son' and Marvel's 'Planet Hulk'/'Earth X'. Granted, I could also end up walking out of there w/ large bust of Sasquatch from Alpha Flight or the entire set of Marvel classic action figures that also include the pieces to build a giant Modok...but i'll try and stay focused.

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