Monday, August 13, 2007

Luuuuukkke...I'm Your Bobblehead

I'm as much of a nerd over Star Wars as any red-blooded American male my age, but i've never been one of those crazy insane fan-boys who still own a mint condition Death Star playset w/ the trash compactor monster and all. However, I have a few friends that do fit that description and this bit of news is for them (*cough* J.C. *cough*).

Everybody's favorite bobblehead manfacturer, Funko, announced a month or so ago that they signed an agreement w/ Lucas Films to produce Star Wars bobblehead products. They'll kick things off this month w/ everybody's favorite Sith lord, Darth Vader and a Clone Trooper, from (appropriately enough) Episode II: Attack of the Clones. They'll release a new set every month and upcoming releases include Boba Fett, Han Solo, Obi Wan and my main man Greedo. Speaking of Greedo, it looks like they will be doing some more of the 'cult favorites' as well, including the Jawas and Tusken Raiders (may have to pick me up one of those.).

Don't wait around too long, young Jedi, they'll retire certain 'heads' after a few months of availability. You can check out the whole she-bang at the FUNKO WEBSITE. While you're there, check out all the other cool offerings in the Funko stable...from Hanna Barbera to the Simpsons to Classic Advertising Mascots. Enjoy and may the force be w/ you, son!

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