Saturday, August 25, 2007


So, after joking about the weather in my last post, the reality of the storm that swept through the Chicagoland area hit me like a ton of bricks on the ride home from work. My 30-45 minute drive took two hours and there was flooded roadways/streets everywhere. I swore to God I saw Sean Penn in a motorboat handing out diapers and cans of Spaghettios. We ended up w/ a slightly flooded garage, lack of cable/phone/internet and that was about it.

My 2-3 hours of bailing out water was nothing though...tons of houses throughout our neighborhood are still without power. Our babysitter lost power on Thursday night and their sump pump didn't trip on to save their flooding basement, then they were w/out power for days. A Jewel food store in the same area had to toss out all of their refrigerated items.

Even all that is nothing to what people are experiencing in other areas near the Fox Lake and Des Plains river...whole neighborhoods and towns are just in shambles. Luckily, we've been dry most of the day today and will continue to be so until Tuesday, getting back into the 90's. Our AC units blew out at some point today, so that's what we'll be dealing w/ tomorrow. I'll likely get back to things a little more fun later this week, until then...seriously...STAY DRY!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Vibes to the Famous household.