Wednesday, May 07, 2008

What's the Time? IT'S TIME TO GET...

...this so-fresh-it-hurts Rotolog from Nixon (in the boss Blockade design). I saw one of these bad-boys firsthand and it is freaking gorgeous. It's also $200+, so I don't think i'll be waving one from side to side on my wrist ala Puffy and Mase in the 'Mo' Money, Mo' Problems' video any time soon. I can dream though.

To note, the same watch in the Dither design is equally as def and (unfortunately) equally as expensive...

Ah well, maybe I can convince somebody i'm the greatest Dad in the world and deserving of such a fine prize for Father's Day or my birthday or X-mas or all three.

Until then, you can join me in drooling over these fine timepieces and other over at the Nixon website HERE. All kidding aside, they have some kickass designers churning out some things-of-beauty...check them out.

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