Monday, May 12, 2008

Mysteroid Needs Women!

I watched another sci-fi 'classic', brought to the screen by the same legendary creative team that gave us the earlier reviewed 'Latitude Zero'. The first TOHO production to be filmed in glorious TOHOSCOPE and PERSPECTA STEREOPHONIC SOUND, 'The Mysterians' was a fun little mixture of Kaiju and Sci-Fi films served up as only the Japanese can do it.

I still haven't fully figured out the plot, even after watching it all the way through, but that didn't hamper my enjoyment of the film. Not that it's deep or complex, I just don't think it really had much of a plot to begin with. Then again, I didn't really expect to have to think too hard going in.

From what I was able to gather, the film seems to involve beings from a dying planet called Mysteroid flexing their technological muscles in an effort to bully Japan into giving them a bunch of real estate and women. Yes indeed, they let loose a giant robot named Moguera w/ optical heat blasts capable of wiping out entire towns and submit the Japanese countryside to numerous natural disasters...for land and some ASS. Eventually, after getting their collective butts kicked by robots and death rays, some Japanese scientists figure out how to send the Mysterians back to outer space.

I won't give away how they do it, just in case there is the slight, microscopic chance anybody actually watches the film based on my review. Suffice to say, not up to par w/ other TOHO classics...but still good, clean sci-fi fun. Worth throwing into the Netflix que if you are looking for something to watch...

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