Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Speaking of VILLAINS... about this big box 'o' baddies?! That's right, it's the Mego DC Super Foes! I had a whole bunch of these as a kid, including the Joker, Riddler, Batman, Superman and Spiderman. I think my favorite may have been the Joker, as he had a pretty fly set of wheels complete w/ a giant squirting lapel flower...

Plus, c'mon, it's a freaking VAN for chrissakes! Perfect for entertaining your favorite 'fully poseable' ladyfriend...

Awww yeah, know I like it when you leave those crazy boots and cape on. Errr, ahem, if that ain't enough of a trip for you, take a stroll through the entire universe of vintage Mego madness at the Mego Museum.

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