Monday, September 24, 2007

Save the Cheerleader, Update Your Blog...

My hope for a less crazy day at work than a majority of last week didn't really pan out, but the day was salvaged by coming home to see the boys actually coloring for the first time w/ Mommy and the season premiere of NBC's 'Heroes'! The boys ability to stay with the lines or even stay on the paper could use a little more practice, but the return of my favorite show was perfect.

Unlike my other 'must-see' show, ABC's 'LOST' (yes, i'm still a fan), 'Heroes' did a great job cinching up most of the plotlines from Season 1 prior to the finale. While this season's storylines are a result of what happened last time around, they are brand new stories that start 4 months later after the end of Season 1 and will also introduce some new charachters to keep things fresh.

Tonight's episode did great job setting up the intrigue that kept me coming back week after week last time. The whole 'Hiro in ancient Japan' thing looks a little shaky, but it could pay off in answering some questions about the origins of that mysterious symbol that seems to also be a forewarning to 'heroes' of old that they are to be eradicated. Whatever, it all looks good.

I'd still say that you'd probably get more enjoyment out of it if you've watched it from the start, but luckily they released the Season 1 DVD not too long ago if you need to catch up. You can also rest easy that you could probably be 50% the comic/sci-fi geek I am and still enjoy it...go to and watch last night's episode and see. As 'LOST' isn't back on until 2008, the only other show I kind of have to watch is 'The Office' still brought the funny after two seasons, so i'm hoping for another.

I'm crossing my fingers, but I hope to have time tomorrow to post up w/ an album review that i've been dying to do since a few months back, so keep your eyes open. 'This is where it all begins...'

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