Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Good Things Come to Those Who Wait

Well, most of the time they do and, via the big Apple iDog and iPony show and coffee clutch today, it is most definitely the case for your Uncle EL.

I've been kind of casually saving some cash over the past year or so to finally upgrade my 2nd gen 20GB iPod to the most recent 30GB model. On my birthday, I finally had enough scratch/gift cards to go pick it up...but instead, I decided to wait a little while to see if they announced any new upgrades for the holiday buying season.

Lo and behold, w/ the introduction of the new touchscreen iPod (AKA the iPhone you can't make calls on)...they also announced the current 30GB would go away and there would be two 'classic' models in 80GB and 160GB. The rub is that the new 80GB is the same freaking price as the 30GB currently available at retail. I almost triple my storage space and this new version's dimensions make my current model look like a brick. Color display, better battery life and video/photo viewing as well. HELL YEAH! Thanks, Steve!

They also introduced the aforementioned touch/wide screened phoneless iPhone (iPod Touch)...really slick looking, but only 16GB of storage and you'll still have to carry your cell. Oh, it also has Wi-Fi that will be integrated w/ you can purchase music playing over the stereo. Whoopee. I'll stick w/ my Venti No-Sweet Iced Coffee, thanks.

A new Nano w/ a wider display and new colors for the Shuffle were unveiled as well and they smacked the early adapters and Apple-heads upside the head by announcing they are dropping the price of the current iPhone by $200. Suckers! You can get the full DL of everything in more detail at Apple's website.

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