Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Oh No, There Goes Tokyo...

...and New York, Melbourne, Paris (where's Bowie and Jagger when you need them?) and even a trailer somewhere in Arizona. I caught another gem via my cable company's free on demand movie section over the weekend. If I were to have seen 'Godzilla: Final Wars' as a 13 year old, my guess is that I would have declared it the greatest movie ever made and ever to be made. I mean, I enjoyed the hell out of it in my thirties!

Really though, what's not to love though?! A flying battleship armed to the teeth w/ lasers/missles/a giant drill, city-leveling battle royales featuring a virtual 'who's who' of Japanese cinema monsters (Rodan, Mothra, Ghidorah, etc.) and outrageous mutant versus alien kung-fu throwdowns worthy of a Stephen Chow flick. Only gratuitous nudity or a free pony every time you watch it could have made it better.

Released in 2004, it supposedly boasts the biggest budget ever for any film in the Godzilla franchise...and you can tell. However, unlike the awful 1998 US summer blockbuster, the pure fantasy and silliness that made the long string of classic Godzilla films so much fun isn't sacrificed for megaton-FX. In fact, the 1998 US (what our friends abroad refer to as 'Zilla' sans the 'God') version is quickly disposed off by the real deal post haste...

Awesome. I'll spare you the detailed plot summary (wiki it), but the whole thing is a blast. If you've got the Comcast, look for it and if not, Netflix this bad boy.

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