Thursday, September 20, 2007

Don't Tase Me, Bro!

I'm sorry. I know this video has been all over the place the past few days, but between the fact this braniac totally brought the whole course of events on himself and the week i've had...i've enjoyed numerous viewings since it hit the web.

I love how some people want to turn this into a freedom of speech thing or police brutality thing, but you're staging a sit-in for a guy who lets his boxers ride up above his cargo shorts and says 'bro'. Put the hackey-sack, String Cheese Incident bootleg and water bong down for a sec and think about what happened.

If he would have just gone up, asked his questions about voter fraud, impeaching Bush and what frat Kerry was in, let the Senator answer in his best teacher from the Charlie Brown cartoon voice and then shuffled his Tevas back to his seat...none of this would have happened. He had numerous opportunities to avoid every stage of the treatment he got from being forcefully escorted away from the podium to being wrestled to the ground to being cuffed and then, eventually, tazed (bro).

This is guy is a fourth-year student and U of F must be providing a humdinger of a quality education. At EIU, it only took me a few bar raids for underage drinking to realize as a Freshman that when the fuzz asks you to do something you don't talk back...let alone physically resist them.

That said, I thank Andrew Meyer for making this crappy week more enjoyable or, at least, a little funnier. BTW, shelf-life on the phrase 'don't taze me, bro' being funny before it's done to death is next Tuesday...use it while you can. I have some great new music i'm going to try and review tomorrow, but if I don't get to it...'don't taze me, bro.'

Okay, better make that Monday.

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