Friday, September 21, 2007



A mobius band is a geometrical term for a 'non-orientable surface that cannot be embedded in a plane.' Mobius Band, who's upcoming release 'Heaven' has been enjoying some prime time in my headphones, are equally as impossible to compartmentalize into one particular sound or genre. A predominantly electro-pop sound occasionally lapses into brief moments of slight touches of alt-country and big helpings of indie rock, forming one cohesive collection of insanely catchy tunes.

Comparisons could easily be made to Postal Service's brand of glitchy electronics, sliced-and-diced strings, crunchy/distorted beats and sparkling synths...except this album features glitchy electronics, sliced-and-diced strings, crunchy/distorted beats, sparkling synths AND GUITAR. Definitely a lot less twee and each track has enough energy to move seamlessly into the other.

There are plenty of the bleeps, blips and enough sonic tchotchkes thrown about to make things interesting, but from the nearly rocking 'Secret Language' to the bouncy 'Friends Like These' to the driving crescendo of 'Black Spot'...shows a band who knows how to craft a true pop song. Actually, I think the band has found a perfect blend of the the electronic and pop rock, w/ only a few tracks bordering on one overshadowing the other. Another album I can listen to from start to finish.

The official in-store release date for the physical album is 2-Oct, but you can actually buy the 'e-version' today via iTunes. Take my favorite track for a test-drive in the sample area and see what you think. *blip*

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