Thursday, October 02, 2008

'You Got Peanut Butter in my Chocolate!'

...or should that be 'you got chocolate in my peanut butter!'? Either way, in an example of 'two great tastes that taste great together', my love of comic books and political satire merged recently to delicious results.

The Vice-Hockey Mom hopeful will soon be depicted on the cover of half of the copies of Papercutz' 'Tales from the Crypt' #8, shipping to your favorite comic shop later this month. 'The Barracuda' is shown brandishing a hockey stick and asking: 'Didn’t we get rid of you guys in the 1950s?' as the classic narrators of EC Horror comics (the Crypt Keeper, the Old Witch and the Vault-Keeper) flee in panic.

The issue will also include a special editorial by Cathy Gaines Mifsud, the daughter of William Gaines, the original publisher of EC Comics and Mad Magazine. Said editorial ties the cover to the semi-controversy over Palin’s queries (while Mayor of Wasilla) to a librarian about the 'possibility' of removing controversial books from the public library.

Considering her father was forced to quit publishing Tales from the Crypt and other horror comics in the 1950s because of a wave of media and and politically-inspired censorship...even an attempt at book banning hits a little too close to home. Hell yeah!

In further parity, one of the stories found within also hits close to home: Christian Zanier's 'She Who Would Rule the World,' which the publisher describes as a story where 'a pair of misguided scientists help turn a homeless woman into a near-invincible, power-hungry being bent on becoming a human weapon of mass destruction.' Doh!

Really, I just think it's funny to see the two collide, plus it serves as a great segue way to my next post. I quote A-Team leader, Hannibal Smith, when I say: 'I love it when a plan comes together.'

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