Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Another 'Debate Night in America'...

...and much like the last one, it really didn't move the needle that much either way. As predicted, w/ the town hall was McCain's forum of choice (kind of like Dusty Rhodes and Texas Bullrope match), he came off okay at best. From my vantage point, it was interesting to see how he seemed more comfortable in speaking to the economy than foreign policy versus the first debate, where it was the opposite. Outside of that, his occasional stabs at being funny came off more creepy than anything else.

That said, for me, 'That One' (AKA Obama) still came off the more 'presidential' of the two...hands down. Why? Because he presented a more tangible case for why his financial and foreign policies will at least help to right the dim path we seem to be traveling upon today. Less laying back in 'I know how to' do something and actually illustrating HOW he is going to do something. He continued to illustrate the differences between the two as well versus spending too much time w/ personal attacks.

In the CBS poll, 40% of uncommitted voters said Obama won. 26% gave it to McCain, while 34% said it was a tie. Over at CNN, B fared even better w/ 54% saying he did a better job and 30% giving it to McCain. That said, these polls never seem to be an iron clad way of determining a winner so, my friends, I still see it being a crazy race. Choose or Lose...Vote or Die...Rock the Vote...Say your Prayers...Eat your Vitamins...whatever, just stay informed.

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