Friday, October 03, 2008

After Last Night, I'm UNDECIDED...

I can't decide which made me want to puke more, the Cubs defensive meltdown in Game 2 (i'm still pulling for them, but has anybody told them they're in the playoffs?) OR Sarah Palin's faux 'sixpackiness' during last night's VP debate. Am I a little pissed? You betcha!

Seriously though, Palin gave a performance geared at garnering popularity via personality. Unfortunately, for me, that equates to bringing a 'running for grade school class president' approach to a fucking US Vice Presidential debate. O'Biden knew McCain's record and platform better than Johnny's own running mate...but she remembered to give a 'shout-out' to some third graders! Again, Sarah, US Vice Presidential debate...not TRL.

She can basically be lauded by the Press for not fucking up, gleefully spouting off scripted jabs/talking points w/ as much substance as a deep-fried Twinkie and coming of sounding like Grandpa Howard during the Long Duk Dong dinner scene in 'Sixteen Candles'...

I mean, who actually talks like that?! It's pandering and insulting. I have a lot more faith in the intelligence of the American collective than some and this visible attempt at 'dumbing down' the election under thinly-veiled 'straight talk' to 'main street' makes me ill. Conversely, Joe Biden stood tall and came off both real and real intelligent about the task at hand.

Sigh. That said, i'd still do her. Under protest, while listening to 'Ride the Lightning' on my iPod and I wouldn't buy her dinner...but you betcha. Anyhow, have to run to a work thing, so that's it for today kids. Have a great weekend! (PLEASE) GO CUBS!


Anonymous said...

last night as she gave her closing statement I concluded her speech with "...and I promise to get a soda machine for the quad!!"

EL FAMOUS said...

i was waiting for her to conclude her closing remarks by yelling 'SAN DIMAS HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL RULES!'