Thursday, October 02, 2008


'It's time that normal Joe Six-Pack American is finally represented in the position of vice presidency, and I think that that's kind of taken some people off guard...but it's motivation for John McCain and I to work that much harder to...put government back on the side of the people of Joe Six Pack like me.'

That's Sarah Barracuda, er, Sarah SIX-PACK on a recent talk radio appearance, w/ another 'aww geez' statement that brought to mind the 2004 Zogby election poll that stated 57% of undecided voters would rather have a beer with W than John Kerry. WTF?!

Look, first of all, I can just about down a six-pack over the course of a full-Saturday's worth of yardwork. Even though it's usually some sort of elitist microbrew, that does not make me qualified to be Vice President, let alone President, of the United States! For the umpteenth time...I DON'T WANT A 'REGULAR GUY/GAL' RUNNING THE about somebody who's more, oh I don't know, PRESIDENTIAL?!

I've imbibed a lot of 'six packs'...w/ alot of of 'Americans'...a fair share who were probably even named 'Joe'. While I enjoyed their company, not one of them ever struck me as somebody so fun to hang out with that they'd make an awesome World Leader.

For example, i'm thinking the real 'Joe Six-Pack American' method of diplomacy for dealing w/ Iran...would resemble standing outside their border w/ a boombox held aloft over his head playing Roger Hallmark & The Thrasher Brother's 'A Message to Khomeini'. Click PLAY in the sample area and try it for yourself! You can be Vice President too!

'Likeability' should have stopped being a 'factor' in American politics back in GRADE SCHOOL ELECTIONS! Want me to stop treating you like nothing more than a milf-tastic airheaded bimbo soccer mom? THEN KNOW YOUR SHIT AND STOP ACTING LIKE ONE! The VP debate tonight should be interesting...or frightening...interestingly frightening?

Hopefully, this is the only bloodbath I witness tonight...Biden over Palin versus Dodgers over Cubs.

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