Monday, November 05, 2007


Well, our first official Trick or Treating expedition was a success! Owen (bottom pic) loved his monkey costume the minute we put it on him, but Logan (top pic) wasn't nearly as happy. However, once we started going door to door and filling up their buckets w/ candy...the cowardly lion was practically pushing us over to get to the doors and collect his loot. They hit 8-9 houses, had an absolute blast and made nice little haul.

I rounded out my Hallow's Eve by FINALLY watching the one film in the 'Halloween' movie franchise i'd never subjected myself to...'The Curse of Michael Myers'. It's awfulness is a thing of legend in horror movie fandom and it more than lived up to the hype. I'd never seen a movie try so hard to have such a complex plot line and make so little sense. Eh, it was still fun to watch.

Speaking of flicks, I finally got around to watching a great one that we received via Netflix and will share my review in a post later today. Stay tuned!

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