Tuesday, January 15, 2008

More Coming Attractions

Woefully behind on posting up w/ trailers for upcoming flicks i'm kind of geeked to check out, so let's remedy that. I'd really like to check out 'Cloverfield' this weekend, but the buzz from the mysterious trailer released last Summer has kind of worn off. Some others i'm looking forward to...

10,000 B.C. (7-Mar-08)

Prehistoric epic blockbuster by the same dude who did 'Independence Day'. Looks like it is chock full of some great FX and kind of has that '300' feel to it...just in a much larger scope. Could be a lot of fun.

Speed Racer (9-May-08)

C'mon...it's Speed Racer for Christ's sake. I would jet home after school just to catch the cartoon, it was one of my favorites. Funny enough, I was not as enamored w/ the Wachowski brothers/Matrix phenomenon...but I do like how this kind of keeps the anime/cartoon aesthetic and breakneck pace of the series.

Hellboy 2: The Golden Army (11-Jul-08)

I saw the first one in the theatre and it was almost too much story to wrap my head around amidst the beautiful FX and cinematography. Repeated viewings since then and some dabbling in the comic book it's based on, have made this one of my most anticipated flicks of the Summer (and w/ Batman, Iron Man and The Hulk that's saying something).

Save me an aisle seat, hopefully i'll get out of the house to enjoy some of these. Whee!

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