Monday, January 14, 2008

BEST OF 2007

Hey kids...Happy New Year. A little late on that, but it has been a whirlwind the past few weeks between the holidays, the passing of my Grandfather and a trip out to the big Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. I'll spare you the details, outside of a surreal moment in our booth that I realized I was explaining some of our product to the great Sheila E!

That said, before I lose my music blogging license, I figured I better post up w/ the obligatory 'Best of 2007' list. To note, a better title would be 'Music I Most Enjoyed in 2007' as there is no way in hell I can find the time to listen to everything that comes out nowadays and, really, who the hell cares what I think?! I will say that a few of these were indeed good enough to stand up to a majority of releases that did make most of the lists and ALL are worth checking out. So, without any further delay...

1. Miracle Fortress - 'Five Roses'
2. Spoon - 'Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga'
3. The Cult - 'Born Into This'
4. Band of Horses - 'Cease to Begin'
5. Ohmega Watts - 'Watts Happening'
6. The National - 'Boxer'
7. Amy Winehouse - 'Back to Black'
8. Foo Fighters - 'Echoes, Silence, Patience & Grace'
9. Beastie Boys - 'The Mix-Up'
10. Mobius Band - 'Heaven'

A few least for me. The fact that I was able to get past all of the tabloid bullshit/really enjoy the Amy Winehouse album and eventually growing to love the new Beasties record threw me for a loop. While not at all that e-cool to include either on my list, the new Cult and Foo Fighters records helped me rekindle my love of the rock music in a big way and ended up getting a lot of ear time.

Spoon released a fantastic follow up to their previous (and my least favorite) release. Band of Horses and The National, even with most music bloggers decrying their offerings as inferior to previous releases, were too good not to give year-end props. My man Ohmega Watts stepped it up w/ a musically diverse slice of awesomeness and blew away any notion of the sophomore slump. A new discovery for me in Mobius Band spent a lot of time on the stereo and, finally, the sweet, sunny pop of Miracle Fortress held the top spot from first listen.

A new year and hopefully a lot of good music to look forward to...I guess that'll reamin to be seen. I finally got my 80GB iPod Classic for x-mas, so i'll have plenty of room. More fun stufff on the 2008 and beyond!

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