Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Hahn(s) Across America

Sam Kinison - 'Wild Thing'

An awful cover tune from his excellent 'Have You Seen Me Lately?' album w/ the 1988-89 hard rock equivalent of the 'We Are the World' video to go along with it. More cameos from the 'who's who' of the genre during that time frame, than a double-sized issue of Metal Edge w/ fold-out poster of C.C. Deville. I can't believe it received regular rotation on MTV, even during metal's heyday on the channel. That said...R.I.P, Sam.

ROCKTOBER BONUS: The only thing more obnoxious than Jessica Hahn's freakishly altered breasts in that video? The follow-up vid for his cover of 'Under My Thumb' that came from his next album that MTV wouldn't air. Hmmmm...I wonder why?

1 comment:

Kristina said...

Phew. for a minute there, I wondered who you ran in to...