Monday, August 08, 2005

The Drugs Don't Work...

After just a few days on that Wellbutrin crap, I stopped taking it. I'm highly-strung as it is and that shit just made me feel like I was coming out of my damn skin. However, I am sticking to tomorrow being the pre-determined 'quit date'...i'm just going to try and do it w/out mind-altering substances. Coooold turkey.

Should be fun. Well, not really. Regardless, it's gotta' be done. Mrs. Famous made a point to inform me before I left for work that Peter Jennings (R.I.P.) just passed from lung cancer, which is a bummer. I don't think I wanna' go out like that and, again, hope to stay around for a while longer than the Vegas odds would have put me at 11-12 years ago...who am I kidding, 4-5 years ago.

I can do it. I am a cowboy. On a steel horse I ride. Throw in the fact, that I have seen a million faces and (w/ extreme proficiency) rocked them all...this should be a walk in the park. Granted, that would be Central night...wearing a suit made of $100 bills and vials of crack...but i'm gonna' try.

Stay tuned for tomorrow's post, where I have immediately gained 200 pounds and spent most of the day curled up in a ball underneath my desk, humming 'Bridge Over Troubled Water' over and over. It'll be a hoot.


Anonymous said...

hmmm, the ol lady and I have been humouring ourselves by saying we were going to quit for some time now. alas, that day has not come as of yet. i, seriously, dont know what is keeping us from quitting? it may be the only piece left from our old partying ways/days. maybe if we quit we will lose ourselves completely to the fact that we are old and boring now coupld that with being parents, it could get really depressing.

i wish you nothing but success. you can do it!!11111111111111

Anonymous said...

"You can DOOOOO ITTT!!!
