Monday, May 23, 2005

Sith Happens...

Went and saw Episode III yesterday. Have to say I enjoyed it for the most part, but near the end I realized: 'wait a minute, I know what happens already.' Don't get me wrong...lasers, wookies, Samuel L. Jackson...It's all very exciting. However, just as you near the end of this 2 and 1/2 hour dilly, you remember there won't be any real know Obi Wan will end up laying the smackdown on Anakin and the babies being born end up looking an awful lot like Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher.

So, all that aside, it's a lot of fun and action packed. Not near enough Greedo, but I can look past that. Nobody was dressed up when I went, but I always thought it would be funny to line up dressed as Ming the Merciless and be like: 'Hey Guys, what's up? CYLONS!!!'

Wanna' make your own Stormtrooper Armor (and, thusly, hold on to your virginity until age 45)?


Anonymous said...

i, too, saw it this weekend. thought it was good, but yeah it was pretty anti-climactic. supposedly, you can see the millenium falcon in the opening sequence. i am going to have to watch again to see if this is true.

you get that John Cena record yet? its not as good as Macho Man's solo effort but good in it's own right.

EL FAMOUS said...