Thursday, May 26, 2005

'Dude, you got some 'Arzt' on you.'

Exploding science teachers? An underground black-fog belching Locke-grabber? Walt kidnapped by the original members of Three Dog Night? WHERE DOES THE DAMN UNDERGROUND HATCH LADDER LEAD TO AND WHY AM I SHOUTING?!

I both love and hate ABC's LOST...the cliffhangers they dropped on me at the end of last night's season finale are exactly what kept me coming back every week. It's really the only thing I cannot stand to miss on, I will be left to ponder all Summer long what the hell is really happening on that damn island AND, from groin pulls to internet-induced wrist injuries, how the Cubs can manage to have every decent player on DL.

If you haven't been watching, do yourself a favor and watch from the beginning when they re-run it over the Summer (Wednesdays @ 7P CST). It's addictive as hell. I may have to end up watching some of these again before the Fall and try to catch some things I missed first go around...then have Mrs. Famous cane me for how much of a freak i'm being over it.

For even bigger fun, browse through the LOST message boards HERE. The amount of theories being thrown around in there may result in disclosure of the whereabouts of Jimmy Hoffa, who killed Kennedy and what the sound of one hand clapping really sounds like. Funny stuff.


Anonymous said...

I sympathize with you.
I am with you on this!!!!

Rikki said...

the season finale about killed me. I didn't mean to get hooked on that show, and I fought it as long as I could...but I'm hooked.