Tuesday, January 02, 2007

I know I hurt you and I made you cry...

...and to love I rhapsodize.

Wow. 4 months. It's been 4 months since I updated this thing and we're a few days into a brand new shiney 2007. It's not that i've been gathering moss or anything...to the contrary, actually. I got a new gig at work (where I launched the US versions of the RAZR for Bono's Project RED campaign for starters), the boys have grown so much and gone mobile and, thusly, we've had our hands full.

Anyways, as part of my New Year's resolution (amongst others) to get back to writing more, i'm going to get back to filling the interweb w/ more useless bullshit about music, film, TV, art, fast food, physics, kung fu and general pop culture tomfoolery. (Segue coming...watch for it) I'm also going to try and really reconnect w/ my love of music (new and old), as I only really dabbled in what was out there in 2006. Which leads me to...

...the video for the new(ish) single from U2 from their recent 'singles' collection 'U218'. The collection itself is kind of useless for most long-time fans of the band and contains the above tune and the Katrina relief tune they did w/ Green Day. I liked the tune when I heard it, but this is one of those rare moments when a video takes a song to a new level and gives it meaning. The just, being that even the biggest of bands are fans in their own right...that they can be fanboys and/or music geeks as much as the guy typing this. The video, literally gave me chills the first time I saw it. On top of that, the droves of performance footage from such a diverse collection of some of the greatest performers to grace a stage used throughout is just too fun to watch (check out the clip of 'The Killer')...see if you can name all the artists included.

Speaking of U2, I received their huge book 'U2 by U2' for Christmas and i'll provide a review after the 3 months it'll take me to read it (it's chocked full of stuff). I'll also post my my Top 10 of 2006 by week's end, which (self-admittedly) is really only the few records I listened to the past year and really enjoyed. Plus, some pics and an update on the twins and other stuff I planned on throwing on here in 2006, but didn't get to. Promise (he says w/ his fingers crossed behind his back). So, as always, stay tuned and peace out. Whoo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kevin, I got U2 by U2 for my birthday in November and still haven't made it past the intros. It looks very cool, but egads, it's going to take a lot of time to read.