Tuesday, December 13, 2005

It's a (beer) celebration bitches!!!

So, at least in my family, the holidays are all about eating and drinking and togetherness and stuff. While I love it all, i'm going to forgo parting w/ my secret recipe for the world's most dangerous fruitcake (which, for the record, isn't referring to Richard Simmons) and focus on the DRINKING. Submitted for your enjoyment, is a short list of seasonal brews i've been digging this Christmas:

As far as a beer you can find in most good groceries and liquor stores, this would probably top this year's list. Great flavor, very hop-laden w/ a slight bit of a fruity taste, but not too overpowering. Just the right blend of everything. Check out their website HERE.

Bell's Amber Ale is one of my favorites all year long and their White Winter Ale has proven to be a fantastic holiday alternative. I usually go more for wheat ales in the Summer, but being it's a smooth and lightly carbonated beer w/ hints of clove, banana (!), and cinnamon...it serves as a nice precursor to the darker/heavier stuff i'll be imbibing Jan-Feb. Check out their website HERE.

This came in on recommendation from a friend and I had to go to one of those liquor superstores (Binny's) to track it down. A potent red-brown ale, noses and tastes a little bit burnt, and has cinnamon and nutmeg notes. Even though it's spiced, it's not as overbearing as some like beers are prone to be. Check out their website HERE.

Mickey Finn's is a nice microbrewery out here near where I work in Libertyville, IL and has what may be the best beer I have ever tasted called Santa's Magic. It's a Belgian strong ale...higher alcohol content, but smoother than hell...nice flavor too, a little hint of fruit and spices. Unfortunately, they don't bottle or distribute to other resellers and it's only available for a very limited time (it's already off tap). So, next year, i'm going to get a growler as soon as it's available. Check out their website HERE.

So, there you are...drink up. If you have any favorites of your own, I implore you to take 30 seconds to clue me in via the comments section. Again, please be sure to DL my annual holiday mix a couple of posts down...as you'll need some good holiday music to dance around like an idiot too after enjoying too many of the fine beverages above. My blog...'IT'LL GET YOU DRUNK!!!'

1 comment:

EL FAMOUS said...

See, I wanted to like it...I really did...but it was just too overboard on the cinnamon. It wasn't bad and i'm a big fan of cider drinks, but I ddn't get any more after the first six pack.