Thursday, July 21, 2005

I Heard the News Today (oh boy)...

Major league busy once, getting our dog into a training course, turning 34...all that good stuff. Just about 45% of the way through the new Klosterman book (semi-reviewed in the last post) and it's pretty good. Not as good as the other two, but still an excellent read. Getting an earful of some good new music coming down the pike and i'll pony up w/ some info on that closer to their actual release dates.

As far as anything new to recommend, i'm thinking I may just have to go out and get this:

THE DAILY SHOW - 'Indecision 2004'

I still stand by my statement that Comedy Central's Daily Show is simultaneously the smartest and funniest show on television. Not only does it do a fantastic job of bringing to light just how insanely upside down our political system can be, but how it completely takes the piss out of the media outlets that cover it (the recent coverage of the coverage of both the Michael Jackson trial verdict and Hurricane Emily were instant classics). Once could challenge, that underneath the comedic bent of the weekly delivery of 'fake news', it's really one of the only places to go to get a more realistic look at the days events...sans spin and any sort of agenda. Plus, the insanely talented 'news team' helmed by Jon Stewart are unparalleled smartasses that could make just about anything funny.

Anyhow, while i've always enjoyed the show, I became absolutely enamored with it during their coverage of the 2004 presidential election...lovingly titled: INDECISION 2004. This 3 DVD set supposedly captures the best moments of said coverage, which (due to the sheer breadth of all the funny stuff I saw over the course of that year) seems to me would be an amazing feat to synopsize. It came out on June 28 and looks like it has a gaggle of bonus footage as well. If you've never watched, it's time to start...check out their web page HERE. GOD BLESS AMERICA!

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