Friday, June 24, 2005


Been too busy to post up this week, but went and saw the new Batman flick ('Begins') last Sunday. Definitely more akin to the whole 'Dark Knight' series of graphic novels and the whatnot and, overall, a pretty decent piece of work. As I was more of a Marvel comics kind of guy, i'm not too sure if the whole origin angle in this one is true to form or not...but it added more detail to the whole 'you killed my father, now prepare to die' kickstart to his crimefighting gig.

Christian Bale came off a bit too stiff as Bruce Wayne for my blood, but wasn't horrendous. As the key to a really good superhero flick is it's villains, I would say 'Begins' left me a little disappointed. Not that they were bad, but I really felt they could have done a little more w/ Cillian Murphy AS the Scarecrow. Liam Neeson as (ahem) Henri Ducard was pretty decent, but lacked the pinache that a big screen villain should. Plus, the big scheme to put Gotham City on it's ass became a little tiresome. That said, it was still a lot of fun and visually impressive (filmed in Chicago, you can see Marina towers in one of the sequences).

As far as how it stands up to the other flicks released in the franchise, i'm torn. The last one w/ Clooney as the Caped Crusader blew as bad as a movie could, but I really enjoyed the others. I still think Jim Carrey as The Riddler was one of my favorite performances in a Batman movie and Nicholson's Joker is still a classic. Then again, I loved the TV show in all it's goofy glory as that could tell you something. Anyway, 'Begins' is still a great Summertime Megaplex Blockbuster Whoop-dee-doo and I enjoyed it in totality. Word is, next go around...Crispin Glover as The Joker. Now, THAT would be interesting.

Want to have some REAL Bat-fun? You have to check out BATMAN - THE MOVIE starring the original Batman, Adam West and the classic villain line-up of the Joker, Penguin, The Riddler and Catwoman...AND A SUBMARINE! KA-POW!!!


Anonymous said...

i so wanted to see this this past weekend, but the wife wanted to see Mr and Mrs Smith, which while i am a huge Ms Jolie appreciator, it really didnt look all that exciting. it was fairly good but from what i hear, nowhere as good as batman. maybe this weekend.

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