Friday, June 17, 2005

Big Ol’ Jet Airliner...

For those of you who share my fanaticism for ABC's LOST, it seems the show's creators have served up a website just as much of a brainteaser as the show itself: OCEANIC AIR. It's supposed to be the website for the airline being flown by the Lostaways before it went pinata on their unlucky asses and dumped them out all over the beach of Weirdaritaville. I guess it's been online since May, but I just heard about it yesterday.

You can play around with it and figure it out for yourself. I'll just say that using Hurley's unlucky numbers will open up areas of the site w/ some interesting 'easter eggs' that include some hints (or red herrings) towards the identity of illusive smoke-belching 'monster' and an actual preview for Season II. Looks like that aside from sharing the island 'The Others', crazy french lady and polar bears...there may be some survivors from the OTHER side of the plane.

Again, IMO, best drama on TV...if not the best thing on TV, period. Can't wait for Season II, Fall TV suddenly seems a million miles away.


Anonymous said...

I saw this on yahoo news - is that where you saw it?

EL FAMOUS said...

Heard it on a message board.

Anonymous said...

"Heard" it on a message board? What're you - blind and have one of those fancy computers that talk at you? OR are you just lying? Again.

EL FAMOUS said...

Eat more soap.