Monday, July 31, 2006

I'm sorry.

Again, a gajillion years between posts on here. I'd like to show, for the record, that I actually spent some time working on a brand new layout for AMBFAD, but haven't finished it...thus the lame-o back-to-basics dilly you see here. Still trying to figure out some HTML and you know, it's all ball-bearings nowadays (hey!).

I have actually got a bunch of new music to talk about, so i'll post up by week's close w/ some reviews. The boys are doing great...there is cereal, veggies and fruit being eaten (and spit out), some sitting up nearly unassisted, much rolling over and we had studio portraits taken for the first time ever (which, i'll post soon)!

Stay tuned, true believers...fresh goofy crap will be coming your way soon. Peace!