Friday, July 20, 2007

New Day Rising

Hey there, kids. I realize i've been neglecting you...but I just haven't had the time. Also rethinking my blog-fu fighting technique and think i'm going to go back to a more of a casual train-of-thought posting style than actually trying to be a better looking David Fricke or less fucked up Lester Bangs. I'd also like to go to a more unique looking template, but can't find one I like.

Outside of that, i've been on a Man or Astroman? kick...watched a couple of good docs on Joe Strummer and The Pixies...bought a few more of those 33 1/3 books (Tribe Called Quest and Zeppelin)...turned 36...and watched the twins go from babies to...

...little boys. They're walking, babbling, fighting w/ each other and just seem to change more every week. Just so amazing. Anyhow, hopefully i'll pick up the pace and get back on actually taking advantage of this as an outlet. So, thanks for sticking w/ me and stay tuned. Peace.

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