Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Alive and Kicking

As i've been busy w/ insurance customer service lines, doctor visits, hospital stays, baby showers, housework and regular work...obviously posting up hasn't been a priority. I'll just be Reader's Digest and say that EVERYBODY is doing okay. The closest thing to news would be that Mrs. Famous is home on light bedrest and that we will likely be parents well before the original March 16 due-date they gave us at the beginning. She's chilling out and keeping the boys cooking for as long as she can, but average term for twins is 35-36 weeks...we're at 34. Zoiks! Anyhow, the next post you read may be about us having our babies...if you're the praying type, please put in a good word and if you're not, cross your fingers or chase down a rabbit to rub it's foot. Hopefully, i'll be able to drop the sequel to the last mix before things go all 'goat rodeo' on us...but don't count on it. Gracias!

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